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List of publications and lists here


I See Red: Truth-Telling about Colonial Courthouses and Indigenous Dispossession Through Art

  Wardle, B., & Harrop, L. (2020). I See Red: Truth-Telling about Colonial Courthouses and Indigenous Dispossession Through Art. Law, Culture and the Humanities.


Seeking Poetic Justice: A Reading of Dylan Voller’s Prison Graffiti

2019 Sefton-Rowston A., ‘Seeking Poetic Justice: A Reading of Dylan Voller’s Prison Graffiti’ in Junctures: the journal of thematic dialogue, Dec, No.20 


Borderlands: Scoping the publishing landscape for a regional Australian literary journal

2019 Sefton-Rowston A et al., ‘Borderlands: Scoping the publishing landscape for a regional Australian literary journal’ in Text Special Issue Series, June, No.54 


Sovereignty as a State of Craziness: empowering female Indigenous psychologies in Australian reconciliatory literature

2017 Sefton-Rowston A., ‘Sovereignty as a State of Craziness: empowering female Indigenous psychologies in Australian reconciliatory literature’ in Hypatia A Journal of Feminist Philosophy Vol.32, Issue 3, Summer, 2017 


The decommission of I See Red: A case study in the relations between art and law

Harrop, L., & Bullot, N. J. (2020). The decommission of I See Red: A case study in the relations between art and law. In J. McCutcheon & F. McGaughey (Eds.), Research Handbook on Art and Law (pp. 318-334). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.


Group singing enhances positive affect in people with Parkinson’s Disease

Baird, A. D., Abell, R., Thompson, W. F., Bullot, N. J., Haertsch, M., & Chalmers, K. A. (2018). Group singing enhances positive affect in people with Parkinson’s Disease. Music & Medecine, 10(1), 13-17. 


Empathy, honour, and the apprenticeship of violence: rudiments of a psychohistorical critique of the individualistic science of evil

Bullot, N. J. (2019). Empathy, honour, and the apprenticeship of violence: rudiments of a psychohistorical critique of the individualistic science of evil. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. doi:


A psychohistorical philosophy for the science of the arts

Bullot, N. J. (2019). A psychohistorical philosophy for the science of the arts. In S. Wuppuluri & D. Wu (Eds.), On Art and Science (pp. 223-245). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.


Art and science: a philosophical sketch of their historical complexity and codependence

Bullot, N. J., Seeley, W. P., & Davies, S. (2017). Art and science: a philosophical sketch of their historical complexity and codependence. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 75(4), 453-463. doi:10.1111/jaac.12398


The artful mind meets art history: Toward a psycho-historical framework for the science of art appreciation

Bullot, N. J., Reber, R., & Commentators. (2013). The artful mind meets art history: Toward a psycho-historical framework for the science of art appreciation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36(02), 123-180. doi:10.1017/S0140525X12000489


List of press links and other media here


Writing project inspires hope among prisoners

A Charles Darwin University arts program that teaches inmates how to express themselves through creative writing is helping improve the self-image and hope of participants.


Students help light up city

Visual Arts students are helping light up landmark locations through the City of Darwin’s CITYLIFE Platform.

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