Counting Tidelines
August, 2015
Nadine Lee
Mavis Warrngilna Ganambarr
Margaret Gudumurrkuwuy
Margaret Dhorrpuy
Kaye Brown
Raelene Kerinauia
Julie Gough
Counting Tidelines exhibition is curated by Amy Jacket and Sarah Pirrie and featuring Indigenous women artists from Tasmania, Elcho Island, Melville Island and Darwin whose work involves coastal collecting. Made for cultural, aesthetic or commercial purposes, the artworks in Counting Tidelines highlight the patterns and systems embedded in experiential act of coastal collecting. In Counting Tidelines the relationships artists have with the littoral zone between land and sea is recognised by a gathering of coastal material that are creatively processed through carving, splicing, painting, threading or assembling.
Image: Kaye Brown, Shells, 2015. Photograph_ Fiona Morrison